I have completed my FreeBASIC trainer tutorial, which is part of the Spelunky tutorial series. As such I have released my FreeBASIC memory functions that I use to create trainers in FB - I call it the t2EservoMemory functions.
The idea was based from the NomadMemory.au3 library for AutoIt, created by Nomad. Beyond the idea, and basic function call parameters everything was re-written by me to work in FreeBASIC.
You can access the functions from my FB library or add them to your trainer from the source code in the project file.
The t2EservoMemory functions include..
- _GetBaseAddress
- _MemoryClose
- _MemoryOpen
- _MemoryRead
- _MemoryWrite
- _ProcessExists
- _SetPrivilege
The t2EservoMemory functions have been compiled into a FreeBASIC library, for easier use in other trainers. Instructions are included in the zip file for installing and using the library. Download link for the t2EservoMemory library.
FreeBASIC project file with the t2EservoMemory function codes (no library - just copy and paste the function code). This is a useful option if you want to modify the t2EservoMemory functions for your own use.
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